Braden Millsaps


Trufit Customs was looking to work with a football athlete to help market their custom mouthguard product. The product USP is that with their custom guard, you're able to speak more clearly and communicate with your teammates. The goal was to create content that showcases the USP to run ads targeting their main demographics.





Custom-fit mouth guards

Content Strategy Goal

Showcase how Trufit Custom mouthguards allow athletes to breathe easy, speak clearly, & ditch the bulk.'

Content Strategy Objective

Utilize content within current paid media campaigns and test content against current graphic ads.

Showcase the frustrations of how a QB is unable to clearly communicate the play call in the huddle with a traditional bulky, boil-and-bite mouth guard and how Trufit Customs is the solution. 

Check out the condensed 17-second ad version below, or click the link under the video to access the full organic video.

Pre Campaign Data


We created a football-inspired, entertaining video that showcased the struggles of communicating with a bulky boil-and-bite mouthguard and how Trufit Custom mouthguards solve that problem. 

The goal was to utilize this video within Trufit Customs' current ad sets to reduce CPA and drive new sales.

Current Campaign Metrics

Primary KPIs are CPA and ROAS

Current CPA: $35

Current ROAS: 3-4X

CPA Goal: $20

ROAS Goal: 4-5X

Campaign Results

Campaign Results

Our content directly contributed to the following results, lowered CPA by 32% and increased ROAS by 29%

Branded Ad Sets
CPA: $23.18 🤯 (previous $35)
ROAS: 4.49 🤯 (previous 3.35x)
Conversion Value: $136,869.65

Additional Conversion Data

Add to Cart Value: $124,275.47
Checkouts Initiated: $120,695.05

Whitelisted Ad
CPA: $33.11 (previous $35)
ROAS: 3.44 (previous 3.35x)
Conversion Value: $20,062.81

Additional Conversion Data

Add to Cart Value: $17,485.00
Checkouts Initiated: $17,166.62

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